
Super Cub
Ce texte présente un ourson nommé Henry-John-Berry-Phillips qui n’hiberne pas. À la suite de sa lecture, l’élève répond à des questions de compréhension.
Henry-John-Berry-Phillips is a baby brown bear, but his friends calls him Cub. Unlike the other bears, he does not need to hibernate. He is a super cub. Student have to answer comprehension questions after reading.
Henry-John-Berry-Phillips is a baby brown bear, but his friends calls him Cub. Unlike the other bears, he does not need to hibernate. He is a super cub. Student have to answer comprehension questions after reading.
1 page de lecture et 1 page d'exercices avec le corrigé.
Comprend les pages en noir et blanc pour faciliter l'impression.
Anglais langue seconde
6e année, Secondaire 1
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